You're pulled in different directions at home and at work, trying to take care of all your responsibilities.
You're trying to work up the 'corporate ladder', get promoted and have a better financial footprint.
Unaware if your financial future is resilient to economic changes and secure to support your desired lifestyle.
You are a mom and life happens so taking care of your mind, body and soul is not a priority.
You want MORE, you deserve MORE, but don't know where or how to start.
1.I want it ALL
2.Select one option for the day
The Modern Professional Roadmap
Empower yourself and master the steps to financial health
This option is for you if:
you are stuck living pay check to pay check,
unaware if have a secure financial future,
don't have a savings or emergency fund,
or just want a family vacation
You don't have to be unhappy in your current job to want MORE!!
Here is your roadmap
so that making extra money is less scary!
Together we will work through:
Identifying your passions- will align your journey with authentic connections with your audience, allow for creative expression and innovation and provide long term satisfaction.
Who your ideal client is & where they are hanging out-to maximize your efforts, give you a competitive advantage and have outstanding customer relationships and service.
Your core values -will form the foundation of your brand reflecting your beliefs, priorities and standards, they provide the framework for decision making in line with your values, nurturing a sense of community and connection among like minded customers and ensuring resilience in the face of obstacles.
How to incorporate income producing activities into your busy day,
What tools and systems you need to start with, because you don't need it all.
Live Your Truth: Embrace Your Values, Ignite Your Purpose, Strengthen Your Resilience
This option is for you if:
You are seeking to improve your mental well-being
Navigate life's challenges more effectively
Achieve long-term personal and financial success.
Together we will dive in and:
Your core values -will form the foundation of your brand reflecting your beliefs, priorities and standards, they provide the framework for
decision making in line with your values, nurturing a sense of
community and connection among like minded customers and ensuring resilience in the face of obstacles.
Learn how to build a resilient mindset-enabling you to bounce back from adversity, better manage stress, persevere through challenges, adapt to changing circumstances, sustaining motivation and inspiring others.
Dig deep to understand your why-to provide clarity, motivation, and a sense of purpose, ability to communicate effectively and fueling your actions with meaning and direction.
Create a plan to take action to incorporate all of this into your daily life.
Health is Wealth: Your Golden Asset
This option is for you if you struggle with:
Low energy
Poor immune system,
Physical ailments,
Fatigue or
Taking care of your mind, body and soul is not a priority.
Having good health is directly related to leading a successful, productive and fulfilling life. Let's dive in and get you on the right path to a healthy life.
Together we will:
Demystifying food labels to empower you to make informed choices, comparison shopping, to teach your children and empower their decision making.
Learn about the importance of protein for women to improve overall health and well-being and decrease potential health issues.
The in's and outs of intermittent fasting, understanding its potential and how to incorporate this into your daily life.
Personal Fusion: Crafting Your Masterpiece
This option is for you if:
You are at a place in your life where you want MORE- more health, wealth and freedom.
You realize that you are losing precious time with your children
You want more financially for your family and for your future
In this transformative day together we will:
Option 1:Making it less scary- a strategic business plan to create your professional roadmap.
Option 2: Living true- Learn how to create an empowering mindset, make decisions based on your core values and live true to yourself.
Option 3: Health is wealth- Delve deep into your holistic well-being, creating a path to a healthier life.
I will show you how to execute this in the small pockets of your day.
Pre- work and workbook
Are 1:1 sessions will be recorded so you can go back and listen to them
Structured day developed ahead of time so you know what to expect
My undivided attention for the whole time
Walk away with clarity, actions and results!
I found a community of like minded people and industry leaders to mentor me.
BUT my journey took a while. I didn't have anyone who offered a VIP day to work get me the solution I was looking for all in 1 day!
Now YOU can tap into my knowledge and experience.
And the best part is, you won't do it alone. You'll be surrounded by like minded corporate moms who are committed to the process and eager to learn.